Visit from Swedish authors Herman and Birgitta Lindqvist


LindqvistThe Åland Islands Peace Institute has the pelasuere of hosting Swedish authors Herman and Birgitta Lindqvist dureing their four days stay on Åland in May 2009. Herman Lindqvist is the opening speaker at the opening of the Exhibition Outpost, land in between, bridge at the Åland museum/Åland Art Museum 28th May 2009.
Wednesday 27th the guests visited the Peace Institute for informal discussions with the staff and for a meeting with local media.

Herman Lindqvist sees it as his mission to fight the general ignorance, especially in Sweden but also in Finland, on the effects of the war of 1908-1909, when Sweden lost Finland including Åland to Russia. He takes a particular interest in minorities since he himself grew up as a minority within a minority.

Seminar on European security politics

Seminar on European security politics Monday 1st of June from 1 to 3.30 pm the Europe information in cooperation with the Åland Islands Peace Institute will arrange a seminar on european security politics in the library of Mariehamn.Speakers are Markus Lyra from the Finnish foreign ministry and Nils Daag from the Swedish department of foreign […]