Can trafficking be prevented?

Denis Nazarenko is an assistant for research and seminar activities at The Peace Institute. The blog is written by the peace institute’s present or former staff, guest researchers, board members or invited guest writers. The opinions are the author’s own. Mariehamn 08.03.2011 In this article, I will try to outline the “push” and “pull” factors of […]
The international women’s day
The Åland Islands Peace Institute is highlighting the internatinal women’s day 2011 by arranging a seminar (held 7th of March) about preventive measures concerning sexual violence and a blog post about prevention of trafficking. Read about the seminar here and read the blog piece here.
A petition to change the Finnish legislation on sexual crimes

Gender Consultant, Mia Hanström, who works as an educator in the Peace Institute’s project Challenging gender roles to prevent trafficking has launched a petition to change the Finnish legislation on sexual crimes. The petition will run until April 15. You can read and write it here.