New report comparing Åland and the South Tyrol

In conjunction with the Autonomy day of Åland, 9th of June 2011, the ÅIPI is presenting the third report in the Reports Series from the Åland Islands Peace Institute: Successful Examples of Minority Governance – The Cases of the Åland Islands and South Tyrol. In the report Maria Ackrén, Doctor in Political Science, has compared […]
Nyhetsbrev/Newsletter 8.6.2011
Nyhetsbrev från Ålands fredsinstitutNewsletter from the Åland Islands Peace Institute Internationell konferens om Ålandsexemplet den 1 november/Conference on the Åland Example to be held in NovemberNy rapport jämför Åland och Sydtyrolen/New report compares Åland and the South TyrolFredsinstitutet sponsar deltagande i ungdomsforumet Globsol/The ÅIPI sponsors partcipation in Youth ForumMed mera/And more Ladda ner nyhetsbrevet i […]