Closing seminar of the project ”Overcoming Gender Disparities as a Tool for Social Change”

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Tool for Social Change” has been implemented since autumn 2010 as a tripartite cooperation between the Åland Islands Peace Institute, the non-governmental kindergarten “Nendre” in Lithuania and the non-commercial partnership “The Star of Hope” in the Kaliningrad region, Russia. During one and a half years educated leaders in Lithuania and the Kaliningrad region have been […]

Visit from Lithuania to Mediation Bureau

newsletter 03.12.2012

Two lecturers, Genovaite Rosiene and  Iveta Vitkute-Zvezdiniene from Kaunas University, Faculty of Economics and Law, in Lithuania did a 3 day study visit in the Mediation Bureau and the Åland Island Peace Institute 20-22 of November 2012. The lecturers are specializing in criminal law and interested in studying practical and legal aspects of Mediation. They […]