“Open Doors” – a popular meeting place for girls in Azerbaijan

Impressions from the fourth project visit to Azerbaijan withi the project Open Doors, May 2013
In the neighborhood of Ahmedli, a few blocks away from the last metro stop, far off the glittering lights of Baku’s city center, the women’s organization Yuva runs “Open Doors”, a youth center for teenage girls. The center is supported financially and conceptually by the Åland Islands Peace Institute and opened its doors for girls living in the adjacent apartment buildings almost exactly one year ago, in May 2012, and is today a popular meeting place for girls and young women.
Report on the foundation of the ÅIPI translated to English

On October 25th 1992, the Åland Peace Association established the foundation the Åland Islands Peace institute. Exactly 20 years later, on the 25th of October 2012 the ÅIPI presented a report about the process that led to the establishment of the Institute. The report in Swedish was published as no 2/2012 in the report series […]