Comment on Ukraine/Crimea-situation by Director Sia Spilopoulou Åkermark

“Current modes of discussion, reporting and action about the Crimea, Ukraine and the Russian Federation make us forget that the most crucial and difficult effort is that of the process towards democracy and the rule of law in all those regions. We should support the democratic forces and listen for the multiplicity of voices of […]
Discussion on Peace and Democracy

Discussion on Peace and Democracy
Thursdag March 13th, Mariehamn city library, 1 – 3 p.m
In Swedish and English.
The Questions
Lassi Härmälä, Programme Manager at Demo Finland: Why do traditional methods for peace and democracy building not usually offer long lasting solutions? Why is it necessary to support democracy in fragile environments and include political parties in the peace building efforts? Is democracy the best tool for conflict management?
Maria Mekri, Research Director at SaferGlobe, coordinates currently the development of a Finnish Peace Report as part of a Global Peace Index. This index shall be able to answer questions such as “Is Finland becoming more peaceful or less?” and “What has caused the improvements of Espoo’s peacefulness?”
Blog and interviews on Ukraine and Crimea
Researcher Sarah Stephen, that visited the self-governed region of Crimea som time ago has written a blog on “Crimea between the global and the local” that can be found here. On 3 March 2014 Director Sia Spilopoulou Åkermark was a panelist in the Åland Radio program Monday’s report discussing Ukraine and Crimea. Listen to the program here. On […]