Kastelholm Talks on Peace 2019: Democracy, Participation and the Role of Civil Society
When the Åland Islands Peace Institute organises Kastelholm talks on peace for the fifth time, the theme is “Democracy, participation and the role of civil society”. The Kastelholm talks are recurring discussions about peace, under the patronage of the former President of Finland, Tarja Halonen. The talks are always held in connection with Åland’s demilitarisation day, which is 30 March. The talks of 2019 will be held on Thursday, 28 March. The moderator will be the Peace Institute’s Director, Associate Professor Sia Spiliopoulou Åkermark.
This year’s panel consists of the following speakers:
Panellists 2019: Ms. Maud Olofsson (photo Patrick Trägårdh), Mr. Pär Stenbäck (photo Kevin Abosch), Ms. Li Bennich-Björkman och Mr. Göran Djupsund.