The ÅIPI project Fair Sex, financed byt the Åland government, has recently been presented to two Ministers from the Finnish government.
On August 17th Project Manager Ulrika Navier and Method Developer Jenny Jonstoij met with the Minister of Justice, Anna-Maja Henriksson, to discuss among others the Finnish legislation on sexual crime and the importance of preventive work. On the 14th of September, Carina Aaltonen from the Åland Government presented the project to the Minister of Social Affairs and Health Paula Risikko.
“When is it too late to say no?” ” Is it ok to nag oneself to sex?” Is it true that boys always want sex?” As part of the ÅIPI violence prevention work, these and other questions about sex and relationships are being discussed with all students in grades two in upper secondary school on Åland. The purpose of the Fair Sex workshops is to encourage discussions about sex and relationships, reciprocity, respect and equality, in order to prevent sexual violence and to promote positive sexual experiences among youth.
The project Fair Sex started in 2011. In 2012 workshops for students are complemented with educational sessions for teachers on issues such as gender inequality, violation of boundaries and sexual harassment and how to spot it and stop it.