On the 2nd of October 2012 the seminar “90 Years of Autonomy: The Åland Example as a Tool for Resolving Conflicts” will be held in the European Parliament in Brussels. The seminar will examine the ways in which the Åland Example and its components can be used in mediation mechanisms and conflict situations and under which circumstances its applicability can be further increased.
The Key Note Speaker will be Mr. Paavo Lipponen, former Prime Minister of Finland. The director of the ÅIPI, Dr. Sia Spiliopoulou Åkermark, Ass. Prof in International Law, will function as the moderator of this event. The panel includes Ms. Elisabeth Nauclér, Member of the Parliament of Finland, representing the Åland Islands, Mr. Nils Torvalds, Member of the European Parliament, Finland and Ms. Kinga Gál, Member of the European Parliament, Hungary.
The welcoming speech will be held by Ms. Gun-Mari Lindholm, Minister of Administration and EU-affairs, the Åland Islands. The seminar is arranged by the Åland Government in co-operation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland and the Permanent Representation of Finland to the European Union.
The seminar will later be followed by a vernissage of the exhibition “Åland – Paradise Found”, by the Government of Åland and photographer Daniel Eriksson.
The seminar programme can be downloaded in pdf here.