At the end of 2024, the Peace Institute’s e-journal JASS published a new issue, containing a research note and an article. In the research note ‘Understanding Self-Government: Varieties of Territorial Autonomy’ by Prof. Shane Barter from Soka University of America, Barter contributes to conceptual development and shows different applications by analysing the different forms and uses of territorial autonomy. In the article ‘Contested Conservation Frontiers – Resource Wars, Power Play, and Violence in Samburu and Isiolo Counties’ by Clifford Collins Omondi Okwany and Evelyne Atieno Owino, we shift our gaze to the balance in Kenya’s natural resource management between nature conservation and pastoral communities. Informal arrangements between the state, non-state actors and the pastoralist communities found in the Samburu and Isiolo regions often take a militarised form, resulting in violence, which could be avoided with better transparency and accountability.
We would like to draw the attention of JASS’ readers to the fact that in 2024 the journal has moved to the platform, which has prompted a new web address: