On June 14-20th, volunteer at the Åland Islands Peace Institute Gunel Isakova participated at Simulation Game Seminar on “The future of South Caucasus” organized by CRISP and Infternational center on conflict and negotiation (ICCN) in Tbilisi, Georgia with participants from Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia. The goal of SimVISION was to encourage a dialogue about the future of the South Caucasus inside the region and to develop a common vision for peaceful co-existence the South Caucasus among young people, to discuss the future of Nagorno-Karabakh and conflict resolution between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Gunel Isakova was playing the role of Foreign minister of Georgia, mediating between Azerbaijan and Armenia in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
During the discussions the components of the Åland Example was mentioned several times in discussions concerning Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Nagorno-Karabakh.
Read more on the home page of CRISP, here.