Peace promoter Anahit Bayandour, Yerevan, Armenia, recently dececed in theage of 70. Anahit Bayandour dedicated most of her life to fight for peace and human rights, especially for Nagorno-Karabakh. Anahit Bayandour have visited the Åland Islands and several times participated in meetings arranged by the the Åland Islands Peace Institute and other actors. In june 2010 she visited Åland together with other representatives for the civil society in Armenia and Azerbaijan. During autumn she was involved in the process of translating the ÅIPI publication Islands of Peace into Armenian.
Information concerning Anahit Bayandour’s last visit to Åland can be found here.
A valedictory to Anahit Bayandur, written by her friend and coulleague Arzu Abdulayeva, co-chair of Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly international and President of the HCA national committee of Azerbaijan, can be found here.