Today the EU was awarded the Nobel Prize because ”it and its forerunners have for over six decades contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe”.
On the one hand the European cooperation can be viewed as a successful peace project within the European continent. On the other hand big challenges and important duties remain for the EU concerning peace issues, both within and outside the EU-region.
In her blog piece ”What directions for the EU role in peace processes?”, published in the end of September 2012, the Director of the ÅIPI, Dr. Sia Spiliopoulou Åkermark, Ass. prof. in International law, discusses amongst others, that there is a persistent and troubling absence of a common vision, a coherent policy and a common legal and moral foundation for actions that the EU wants to take in this field. the blog piece can be read here.
The ÅIPI acknowledges the fact that the Nobel prize can be used as an inspiration and an incitement for further development of the EU engagement in peace work.