The Åland Islands Peace Fund has been established by the Åland Islands Peace Institute with the purpose of supporting peace work. The Peace Fund is used to support the Åland Islands Peace Institute’s activities, which aim to promote peace and counteract violence.
Below is information on how to go about helping and promoting the work of the Peace Institute.
Do you want to
support us?
You can give someone a gift on the anniversary by making a payment to the Peace Fund account.
Greeting cards and condolences are available at the Peace Institute’s office, but also at the Bank of Åland’s and Nordea’s offices in Mariehamn and at funeral homes in Mariehamn.
In order to further research, scientific development, and offer researchers the opportunity to acquaint themselves with Åland and the Åland Example, the Peace Institute has established a fellowship program namned The Åland Peace Fellowship.
A research fellowship will provide the opportunity for a researcher to reside at the Peace Institute and conduct research for a period of months annually.