October 25th 1992, the Åland Peace Association established the foundation Åland Islands Peace institute. Ecacly 20 years later, on the 25th of October 2012 the ÅIPI will organise an open seminar to present a new report written by Martha Hannus, about the process that led to the establishment of the Institute. the report describes how the process was characterized by different visions of what civil society should do, on what peace actually is and could be, and on the specific relationship between Åland and mainland Finland. It is also an example of the successful civil society advocacy, and an example of how a minority’s perception of itself can change over time.
The report is published within the report series Rapport från Ålands fredsinstitut – Report from the Åland Islands Peace Institute in Swedish and will be translated to English.
The seminar will be held in the City Library of Mariehamn on 25th of October at 6 p.m. The author will present her report and open up for questions and discussions. Coffée, tea and cake will be provided. Finally, a 50-minutes documtentary film about the long lasting co-operation partner of the ÅIPI, the non-governmental kindergarden Nendre in Lithuania, will be shown.