The Åland Islands Peace Institue has published a new report about the right of domicile in Åland.
In the report, Anna-Lena Sjölund (Researcher at the Åland Peace Institute) focuses on the right to conduct business, and own and/or be in possession of real property in Åland. She compares these rights with the non-discrimination principle of the EU.
Anna-Lena Sjölund will present her conclusions at a seminar in Mariehamn at Högskolan på Åland (Navigationsskolegränd 2) April 28th at 14-16.30. The seminar is arranged in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce.
The report “Ålandsprotokollet och EG-rättens icke-diskrimineringsprincip” (in Swedish) can be downloaded here [436 K]