A Nordic peace seminar entitled “Neighbours as friends, not enemies” took place in Oslo 12-14 November. The event was organised by three Norwegian peace organisations: the Norwegian Peace Alliance, Grandmothers for Peace and Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom in cooperation with an organising working group from around the Baltic Sea.
During the three days more than 50 participants in Oslo and some 30 digital ones discussed among others about safe storage of nuclear waste, rethinking security and strategies for peace, demilitarization of the Baltic Sea, issues of the Arctic and how Nordic cooperation and Russia can promote peace.
The director of the Åland Islands Peace Institute, Sia Spiliopoulou Åkermark, is impressed by and happy with the event and its outcomes. “I was happy that there were several participants from Finland. Discussions and panels in Oslo gave a lot of new knowledge and energy, brought together peace and environmental considerations and forged a new network of engaged organisations and individuals all around the Nordic and Baltic Sea area”, she says
Participants at the Oslo seminar adopted a final statement summarising the main conclusions, that you can read here: Seminar statement Final