Nordquist key note speaker in conference on conflict prevention held in Alexandria
On 2-4 April Professor Kjell-Åke Nordquist was one of the key note sepakers at a seminar with the title ”Regional Mechanisms for Conflict Prevention”. The seminar was organised in Alexandria, Egypt, by the Swedish Institute Alexandria (SwedAlex) together with the Institute for Islamic Strategic Affairs (IISA). Amongst others, the conference noted that new mechanisms are […]
Article on the demilitarisation and neutralisation of Svalbard

“Demilitarisation and neutralisation of Svalbard: how has the Svalbard regime been able to meet the changing security realities during almost 100 years of existence?”. This is the title of a recent article by researchers Timo Koivurova and Filip Holiencin. The article assesses the experiences of the nearly one hundred years since the adoption of the […]