The 8th of October Jan Eliason will lecture on Reflections on mediation and conflict resolution, personal experiences from mediation in the conflicts Iran/Iraq, Nagorno-Karabach and Darfur.
Until July 1, 2008 Special Envoy of the United Nations Secretary-General for Darfur. Jan Eliasson has a distinguished career as Swedish diplomat and finishing as Minister for Foreign Affairs in 2006. Eliasson was the President of the UN General Assembly 2005-06. Eliasson was the Swedish Ambassador to Washington 2000-05, State Secretary for Foreign Affairs 1994-2000 and UN Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs, 1992-94. Earlier, 1988-1992, he was Sweden’s Ambassador to the United Nations in New York.
Jan Eliasson is invited by the Åland Island Peace Institute through Betil Jobéus, Consul general of Sweden on Åland and member of the Peace Institutes' board.