Sia Spiliopoulou Åkermark Reflections on the core elements of the autonomy of the Åland Islands as a minority protection device The Direcor of the Åland Islands Peace Institute presented this text for the President of Georgia, Mikhail Saakashvili, during his visit to Åland in October 2007. Multiculturalism in Crisis Opening Speech at the conference “Human Rights and Diversity: New Challenges for Plural Societies” vid Pedro Arrupe Institute of Human Rights (Deusto Universitet) in San Sebastian / Donostia, Spain, February 8-9, 2007. The impact of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities in selected countries of Western Europe after two monitoring cycles Report prepared for the European Council 9 – 10 October 2008
Sarah Stephan
Working paper published within the project ELDIA (European Language Diversity for All) 2012 Legal and Institutional Framework Analysis: Estonian in Germany |
Rhodri C. Williams Respect for Rights to Housing, Land and Property in the Wake of Cambodia’s Transition(Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions, www.cohre.org) Post-Conflict Property Restitution in Bosnia: Balancing Reparations and Durable Solutions in the Aftermath of Displacement(Brookings-Bern Project on Internal Displacement, www.brookings.edu/idp) Post-Conflict Property Restitution and Refugee Return in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Implications for International Standard-Setting and Practice 37 New York University Journal of International Law and Policy, vol. 37/3 (2006): Housing, Land, Property and Conflict Management: Identifying Policy Options for Rule of Law Programming(with A. Hurwitz & K. Studdard), International Peace Academy Policy Paper (2005) Post-conflict property restitution in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina: legal rationale and practical implementation Forced Migration Review 21 (2004) Guiding Principle 29 and the right to restitution Forced Migration Review’s special issue on the 10th anniversary of the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement.
Rhodri C. Williams is Research Fellow at the Åland Islands Peace Institute.
Alyson JK Bailes A new European environment for peace and security Alyson JK Bailes is the former Director of SIPRI. This article is based on a speech at the seminar “Åland – fredens öar?” (Åland – Islands of Peace?) in Stockholm, October 19, 2006.
Martin Ekman The right to be small and different. On self-governing Åland and the EU Rätten att vara liten och annorlunda. Om självstyrande Åland och EU. Martin Ekman is a geophysicist with an interest for history and international law, and a special interest for autonomous islands. He works as a freelance lecturer, scientist and author, mainly on the Åland Islands, but sometimes also in Sweden and the other Nordic countries. |
Liselott Sundbäck Icke-statliga organisationers samarbetsmöjligheter med – med fokus på konventioner mot handel med kvinnor och barn. Liselott Sundbäck wrote this paper during her trainee period at the Åland Islands Peace Institute in the summer of 2005. She studies international law at Åbo Akademi University. |
Robert Horwood The Mouse and the Elephant – an outsiders view of the relationship between Åland and Finland since 1919 Robert Horwood is a Brittish citizen living on Åland. He’s interested in the history of Åland and Finland. |