The eight young alanders participating in an environment camp in Karelia, Finland, in August were mostly satisfied with their experiences.
– It was more of a sports camp than I had expected, but it was rewarding to have the opprtunity to hold our presentations of Åland and the Baltic sea, since the awareness of those topics was very low among the other participants, says Isac Bonam, head of the delegation.
The alandic presentation dealt with the eutrophication of the Baltic Sea and a vision on Åland becoming a green society and a role model to the rest of the world it comes to environmental awareness.
During the week the camp participants visited a young woman who had decided to live in harmony with the nature by cultivating her own food and try in general to make as few ecological footprints as possible.
– For the camp participants from the eastern countries this was not very remarcable, it just becomes remarcable to us in Finland because it is an active choice, says Boman.