In the framwork of its empowerment work and efforts for prevention of violence the ÅIPI is working with local and international educational activities for both adults and young people. The Åland Islands Peace Institute engages in projects and partnerships where courses can be arranged on Åland and internationally, for adults or youngsters, about the Åland Example, self-government, minority issues, security issues, peace and conflict resolution, and/or gender issues. Courses are customized to the wishes of the particular group and/or co-operating partner organizations. The Åland Islands Peace Institute participates in international youth work within the framework of the Youth Programmes of the EU. The ÅIPI can arrange or send groups of young people to Youth Exchanges. The ÅIPI sends out and receives volunteers and can also host interns for shorter periods of time. The Institute runs a project called Educating for Peace in Åland’s schools. The aim is to introduce knowledge and experience about conflict management, non-violence, tolerance and school mediation in local schools. The Peace Institute runs this project in collaboration with the Åland Government and the schools. The ÅIPI co-operates with partners in other countries to educate leaders for boy- and girl groups, which aim at preventing gender based violence and promoting gender equality.
International peace seminar on Åland.