Nyhetsbrev/News letter 17.12.2009

Nyhetsbrev från Ålands fredsinstitut Newsletter from the Åland Islands Peace Institute17.12.2009 1. Julklappstips i sista minuten/Last minute christmas gift 2. Ny struktur på hemsidan/New structure of homepage 3. Rapport om regionernas roll i EU lanseras i januari/Report on roles of regions in the EU will be launched in January 4. Låg bemanning under julhelgerna/Low staffing […]

Last minute christmas gift


The concepts of “outpost, land in between and bridge” are the basis of this book that reflects the Ålandic society from new and innovative perspectives. From the vantage point of those three concepts the development of the Ålandic identity and society since 1809 is interpreted. The interpreters are artists, researchers and writers and the book […]

Network meeting focusing on trafficking and media


On the 17th to 18th of November 2009 The Åland Islands Peace Institute held a network meeting, financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers, for partners from Lithuania, Belarus and Russia, in Mariehamn, Åland. The aim of the meeting was to gain and share knowledge in the field of prevention of trafficking and other forms […]