The demilitarisation and its challenges

Today, March 30th, is celebrated as the day of the demilitarisation of Åland. in advance of the demilitarisation day, a debate article on the current challenges of the demilitarisation, written by the director of the ÅIPI Dr. Sia Spiliopoulou Åkermark, was published in the two local newspapers and in the Swedish-Finnish morning paper Hufvudstadsbladet. Spiliopoulou […]

Report no. 1-2012: Summarizing conclusions on the Åland Example

In the first report for 2012 in the report series Report from the Åland Islands Peace Institute, researcher Heidi Öst makes a summary in Swedish of the conclusions from the research project and publication ”The Åland Example and Its Components – Relevance for International Conflict Resolution”. The report and the conclusions will be presented to […]