What is equality?

Do men have stronger sexual desires than women? Or are differences individual? Can a man be uninterested of sex? Can a woman be very interested in sex?
Is it OK to demand sex if the other person doesn’t want it? Can women demand sex? Can men?
Is it the man or the woman who takes the initiative to sex? Who should be active and who should be passive?
Are women categorized as whores or madonnas = those who have or have had many men, and those who only have one? Are men categorized in the same ways? What are men called who have or have had many sex partners? Are they sluts or whores? Is “womanizer”, “Don Juan” or “player” positive or negative expressions?
What is equality?

Why is it almost always men who buy and women who sell sex? Why is it most often women who are victims for sexual slavery? Is it the women’s own fault? Are women so stingy with sex that some men have to pay or force women to have sex? Do men have incredibly strong sexual urges which they cannot control? Are women obliged to satisfy such urges? Do women mean yes even if they say no?
Is it OK to buy sex? Why do men buy sex? Why do men who already have a partner buy sex from others? Is it about power? Do men feel like they do poor women a favour if they pay for using their bodies? Do some women want to sell sex? Why do so few men want to sell sex? Why do so few women want to buy sex?

The Åland Islands Peace Institute The Åland Islands Peace Institute conducts projects and research into peace and conflict issues in a broadly defined sense from the vantage-point of Åland and the special status that Åland enjoys under international law. It focuses on autonomy in various forms, minority-related issues, demilitarisation and conflict management. The Institute is […]
Project Challenging Gender Roles for prevention of trafficking 2009-2011 Materials produced within the project A summary of the project in English can be downloaded in pdf here. Within the project consultant Mia Hanström wrote a manual for girl and boy groups that can be downloaded in pdf here. (in Swedish) The research report “Effects of […]
The final sprint for ELDIA! Project results presented in Vienna

ÅIPI researchers Heidi Öst, Sarah Stephan and Sia Spiliopoulou Åkermark at the closing conference together with Petra Roter from Slovenia. |
For the past three years the Åland Islands Peace Institute has been one of eight institutions in six countries, (Finland, Germany, Estonia, Sweden, Slovenia and Austria) that has contributed to the multidisciplinary research project “European Language Diversity for All” (ELDIA). During these three years a team of experts and researchers in applied linguistics, sociolinguistics, law, social science and statistics has collaborated to gain a better understanding of the political and socio-economic situations of 14 language minorities in eight countries, all of which belong to the Finno-Ugric language family. Among these languages are autochthonous and migrant languages, more vital and threatened languages as well as standardized languages and languages standardized to a limited extent only.
Substitute Mediation Officer needed
A substitute part-time manager for the Åland Mediation office is needed from 1st of September. See full ad (in Swedish) in pfd here.
ÅIPI Nyhetsbrev/Newsletter 2-2013
Nyhetsbrev från Ålands fredsinstitut / Newsletter from the Åland Islands Peace Institute 2/2013 Ladda ner / Download pdf. Innehåll/Contents Vikarie sökes till Ålands medlingsbyrå / Substitute Mediation Officer neededNy personal, styrelsemedlemmar, praktikanter … / New staff, board members, interns …Projektet ELDIA på sluttampen / Final sprint för research project ELDIADet senaste på hemsidan, i fredsbloggen och rapportserien […]